Updated Saturday 1.2.14 by PL highlighted in red are things still needed to work on or consider. i have fixed a lot of things that weren't quite right when we published it yesterday.
Make Notes here about things that need to be done/ thought about. There is a help icon ? at the top of the page you can go to when you need it. I have used it often.
We will delete Notes for the final website. They don't appear in the website now because the page is hidden, but once you have finished with notes, you can delete the page. Or you might like to keep it there as a way of communicating stuff to each other.
I have set the site address as tintenbarhall.weebly.com because it is free. But it can betintenbarhall.com or tintenbarhall.org for $40 p.a. (or $50 if you do not want your name to appear in the searchable database of domain names Sheila.)
What would you like to convey over all in the site? It is not just about hiring, but involvement, …..???? This needs to go on the Home page.
does the theme need changing (the overall look) I changed the background to the rainforest, which looks a bit like that around the creek, and the image of the tree crossing the creek is a good metaphor for creating links in the community.
Are the pages laid out as you want? Are there things to get rid of? Add? Change?
The Hiring pages need serious consideration. Do you want people contacting you in person first? What is the best way to handle all this information? Separate pages or just one? Downloadable docs? (I think this is a good idea probably as it eases the burden on you to get docs to people). I have changed it!
Imagine you are landing on the site as a potential user for the first time. What would you like to see/ find out? Is that easy to do?
Is the text on each page accurate? Does it say what you want? In the pages on facilities there should be images, but the ones in the documents sent to me are too small to be decent quality. I need larger copies (originals i guess), or else take new ones.
I thought of a potential problem with the calendar: privacy. What do you want the world to know? A wedding for instance, might just be put in as "Hall unavailable". This might limit the usefulness of the calendar for you Sheila. You might have to create two (one for you and one for Tintenbar hall) and this might be too much work. Hint with the calendar: You can get to it without having to log in to Google by clicking the button at the bottom of the Calendar.
Pictures needed. Some on the Facebook page are ok. Which of those would you like to use? Where? Send me good copies. What others can you send me? What others do we need? Is there one image you would like for all the pages? Pictures on the home page slide show need to be reduced to the best few of each type. You can reorganise them as well by dragging them where you want them to appear in sequence
Should we create an invitation to join an email list so people can be informed of news? This of course necessitates someone sending news. But it is easier if you have a mail list.
In settings, different people can be set up as editors. This is probably a good idea,
I have only put links to email and Facebook in the social icons at the top of each page. They are the only ones to be viewable when it is published. If you want to add twitter or linkedin you can.
It would be good to have more on the history of the hall. Are there resources you can supply to me for this?
In terms and conditions, can you mention how insurance works? Is the hirer liable or are they covered by hall insurance?
on the hiring page: maybe it would be better to just have the hiring document in the one download rather than have it displayed?? This is probably the case as when I copied and pasted it, the formatting was way off.
On the contact page, you might need to alter the heading above the contact form to reflect why people should fill it in other than join the email list. e.g. to send you information, to ask you to promote an event, to request a booking…..
On the links page, Put links to other users etc e.g. other community organisations, other halls… also re links page, I went through lots of images trying to find one that suited. What do you think? It sort of links in with the forest theme. I just searched for good qual images on google.